The awakening of a society

Nowadays with the help of advancement in technology we, human beings become well aware of things that are happening all around the world. Information available on the tip of a finger is so much overloaded to the capacity of a human brain. Sometimes we wonder about what a society that we are living in right now by seeing a headline that totally challenge your background of scientific literacy and the integrity of morality. Everything is seemed pretty much chaotic and some are seemed kind of fucked up even if you are quite optimistic in terms of life philosophy. It is not only just because of the technology that we aware, it is also quite true in reality that our human society as a whole becomes more complex and I want to name it as the awakening as a being.

Human being is a living being that can learn pattern. Yes, our ancestors liked patterns, they had noticed them, they observed and they learnt from them and eventually evolved into human beings who created civilizations across the globe and built wonders around the world. What is a pattern? A pattern is recognized when it is repeated in order. We recognized the value of order. Without the order, we cannot live in a society. We built a thing called society in which we live under the law that are governed by order. This article is about a society that have become matured and becoming an actual being that is totally alive and not about the one that have existed as a mere abstract or lay term that we used to know before and what change and is going to change if it is so.

So what is a living being from a scientific view from?
Living things may be distinguished from non-living things in their ability to carry on life processes such as movement, respiration, growth, responsiveness to environmental stimuli and reproduction: 1
From this simplistic view, we can say that the society in fact is a living being by its movements. There are all sorts of social movements happening all around the world. There is no point to argue about the population growth as the society growth. Also the society is responsive to issues like global warming and it is well aware and responsive to the environmental stimuli. 

We are left to answer some aspects  of the society for respiration and reproduction to cover all grounds of this simplistic scientific view to prove that it is indeed a living being. Respiration is considered as an essential element that is vital for beings. If a human stops breathing, it is dead. Plants do respiration also: 2 What is an essential element that is vital for a society to survive? Food processing plays the vital role. But if we look back the History of how civilization falls, we will notice that there were several causalities and each case got its own uniquely major cause. The major cause is actually driving and thriving the society to keep moving forward. When it dies, the society starts to degenerate and die. So we need to ask the question of what is the main driving force for our society as of today. To be continued...


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